Thursday 6 August 2015


(JOHN 16:33)

Jesus Christ our Lord called out to us. He invited us to life in abundance (John 10:10b). He promised us lot of things. But there was something He never promised; He never promised a smooth sail.

He made us realize that there would be storms even while He is in the boat with us. This was demonstrated in the book of Mark 4:35-41; the Saviour was right with them, yet they had a storm against them.

Do you know what made the difference? His Presence in the boat made the difference! Initially, they didn’t realize He alone is capable of calming the storms of life, but the moment they remembered that He was in there with them, they got to a TURNING POINT.

Do you know that before they remembered that He was in the innermost part of the boat, they had tried all they could humanly and professionally – to no avail; little wonder 1 Samuel 2:9b says: “…by strength shall no man prevail.”

As a matter of fact, there would be storms, but He is our peace (Isaiah 9:6); many for this reason have referred to Him as Jehovah Shalom which goes by interpretation – God sends peace!

Amidst the turbulent storms of life, crisis, troubles and difficulties; be of good cheer, He has overcome the world. (John 16:33c)

Don’t let Him just be in the ship of your life, get Him involved and see Him rule through your affairs.

One more thing, this peace can be learnt and achieved by acknowledging God as your only source of help and peace and fulfillment.

Remember; “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.


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