Wednesday 19 August 2015


James 3:5-8

There is an organ in the human body. This organ might not be able to boast of being the strongest part of the body, but I bet you, it can boast of very mighty things. This part of the body has succeeded in bringing down many men of valour. Many divine champions have transitted into history by reason of this organ.

The first verse of our Bible text describes the tongue as a little member that boasts great things; the breathtaking part of it says: "how great a matter a little fire kindles." The tongue can be a powerful tool or a poisonous weapon because life and death lies in the power of the tongue - Proverbs 18:21.

In the tongue also lies the power of communication through speech, this is our main focus in this context. Spiritually, the tongue can build up and bring healing or tear down and bring destruction; as small as it is, it is capable of blessing and cursing. It is the key to open the heavens in praise, worship and prayer. It also has the key to open the gates of hell and build up strongholds, put out curses and bring oppression, sickness and disease of the mind, body and spirit.

A real life example is that of the Jews; they chanted and hailed Christ on his triumphant entry into Jerusalem; moments before his crucifixion, these same people chanted "crucify him! Crucify him! Give us Barabbas"

It's painful to know that many people are suffering self-inflicted pains through the misuse of their tongue. Many have been ensnared because of negative utterances made with their own tongues. Many people today find it difficult to tame and bridle their tongues; as a matter of fact, human wisdom is not enough that bridle this small but mighty organ.

Remember, Proverbs 21:23 - "He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity"

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