Friday 25 September 2015



Text: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

There are many people in the world today who are passing through hopeless situations; many people have been held captive by wicked powers and rulers of this world. The worse part of it is that: some people have yokes and burdens on them, but they are not even aware. Some are believers giving up hopes on Christ's second coming.

I am here with great news about your deliverance and an end to your afflictions. Jesus is inviting you once again to come to Him with your yokes, burdens, infirmities, afflictions, sickness and diseases.

That same Jesus that intervened at the Marriage feast in at Cana, Galilee. He took away the looming shame on the groom that day. He provided the urgent need when they least expected. The only price that was paid was Obedience. That same Jesus is still at work.

That same Jesus that fed a great multitude with just five loaves of bread and two fish is still at work. That your business that isn't working; I can assure you that the Lord will make something out of it. He will surprise you!

That same Jesus that restored health to that woman with the issue of blood is still at work. The Great Physician, Doctor Jesus will perform surgery without leaving a scar or tears. This woman has been on this problem for 12years, but she met with Him and that encounter marked end of her issue. You only need to exercise your faith no matter how small.

That same Jesus that met with the widow of Nain on the way to her son's burial is ready to speak life to your hopeless situations. That boy was the widow's only son and he was dead, about to be buried when the widow met the Lord of all things. I decree as the Lord lives, your hopeless condition will regain life, in Jesus' name

That same Jesus rebuked a storm and restored calmness to the sea. I really don't know what storm is raging against your life, marriage, family, business and endeavors; the Mighty Hand of the Lord is raised against them, and calmness is restored in Jesus' name.

That same Jesus that brought salvation to the house of Zaccheus is stretching out His arm of fellowship and love to you. Your past matters less to Him. He is only concerned about your present and future. The time of ignorance, the Lord has overlooked, Acts 17:30. Please give Him space in your life. Let Him take over.

He is not even interested in how long you have been passing through those things; but He is willing to lift your burdens and make you whole. There is nothing impossible with Him; He is abundantly able.

Matthew11:28; "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"

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