Monday 21 September 2015




Text: Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. John 16:24

Despite being given a blank cheque in the book of Matthew 7:7, many still spend so much time brooding instead of asking God directly. Some foolishly complain instead of asking. They have forgotten that when they open their mouths, then they will be justified.

It is factual that God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart, but its still on your part to talk to Him about your needs. Many believers say because God acknowledges their needs, they need not to ask Him for anything; little wonder He told them they have not asked Him for anything, not even a thing. God knows your need but play your role by telling Him about them.

Take a very close look at Bartimaeus, that blind man on the street of Jericho in Mark 10:46-52, yes! He was persistent until he got Christ's attention which means; even when you aren't getting any feedback(s) yet, just keep knocking. Now, after Christ beckoned to him, Christ knew fully well that Bartimaeus was blind; but He still asked him a question: "What may I do for you?" Without hesitation, Bartimaeus exclaimed: "that I may receive my sight." Believers, please feel free to talk to God.

There are certain times that God just decides to show mercy, even without you asking Him; but He does this at His own jurisdiction, and I can assure you that not everyone will receive that grace that the man at the pool of Bethesda received.

For your joy to be full, please ask God. Tell Him your needs; and you will see Him speeding to grant them.

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