Tuesday 6 October 2015


Text: ”I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happens to them all.”  Ecclesiastes 9:11

The day any man confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, that same day, he has been enlisted for the heavenly race. The participants of this race are enlisted based on certain qualifications.

The requirement for this race is SALVATION. Salvation will qualify you for this race. Without genuine salvation, you won’t be eligible for this race. Salvation is free; no purchase of forms, no screening, no auditions, Christ paid it all!

Unlike the sprints and long dash (es) we see here on earth, the heavenly race is the only race where you must take your Trainer along if you really want to end well. Your Trainer is the person of the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth. If you take Him along, He will lead and you must follow.

In this race, you don’t need an athletic build or physique to participate, because:
1Timothy 4:8 “For bodily exercise profits little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”
Bodily exercises will take us nowhere; godliness should be our workout routine, should we desire to make it through. Mind you, your Trainer can help you achieve this.

In this race, the tracks are not smooth at all. They are full of stones and pebbles of persecution, broken bottles of setbacks, hills of temptations and a host of other distractions.

In this race, you will get thirsty and have the need for refreshment; your source of refreshment is the Living Water, which is the Word OF God. There are hurdles of strife, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and many others.  Many have fallen against these hurdles; so, beware!

Offences can also come from your fellow sprinters, sometimes in their bid to outrun you; please don’t give in to this.

In this race, despite having your Trainer with you, you can still become weary, but some things will rejuvenate and keep you going; godly counsel (from the word of God, or even fellow sprinters) and fellowship with the brethren.

Many will stray from this race due to the love of money, forgetting their focus. This love for money introduces them to greed. Beware!!!

Many will give up THE TRUE GOSPEL for Another Self Soothing Gospel.

Oh! There will be barricades of trials. Some will get here and give up; but please, its for a while and a reason, don’t give up! Some will unconsciously leave their Trainer out of the race due to Self Righteousness; and they will end up racing to destruction. This self righteousness will make them mock and scorn at others, believing they are the best.

Some will fall at the mercy of pride, then they get discouraged but with the perfect fellowship, they would be up again after being fed from the Living Water.

Bitterness will seize many due to the offences they had suffered and it brings in unforgiveness (leaving them with an Incurable Wound). Be careful!

Some will make it to Eternal Life which is the finish line. No ordinal positioning or arrangement like it is with the sprints here on earth.

May God help us to finish well. Amen!

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