Tuesday, 24 November 2015



Text: Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal; The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let everyone that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 2 Timothy 2:19

Everyone will agree that things are not the way they used to be. Due to many factors, especially signs that would precede and accompany the second coming of Christ, times have changed. Christians who are men of Issachar understand this time change and they decipher that it shows the end is here already.

The clock is ticking towards the end. Time has changed a lot. There are things that cannot be publicly pronounced in times past, but in this age they have become public admiration. Some blame it on civilization. Even some churches are beginning to fall to these changing times. Some believers are already setting new standards and landmarks for themselves.

Preachers have also forgotten that the standard and foundation of God stands sure. They go about in the spirit of civilization; not bearing in mind that times and seasons come and go; they change, but God is unchanging. Only few men of God still crave for and walk by the path of the Ancient Landmark.

Worldliness is taking the place of godliness in the midst of men. Worldly atmosphere is sneaking into our places of worship. Have you ever wondered why Jesus asked a particular question and did not receive an answer till He left this world?

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? Luke 18:8b

I was left wondering while I pondered over this question. It’s a painful thing that believers are changing trends, switching standards and setting new landmarks.

Christ knew well enough that times will change; He said in Matthew 24 about how the love of many believers will wax cold. He also made us to know that there will be great increase in knowledge and wickedness. He also told us that men will turn out to be lovers of themselves than lovers of God. This is what the world is going through right now.

God needs people who will endure to the end; people who will uphold that old time religion and lifestyle that helped the Patriarchs of Faith to do much exploits; people who will not depart from the ancient landmark.

“Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set”
Proverbs 22:28

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