Tuesday 29 December 2015



Text: 1 KINGS 13:1-10

Our reading portion shows the exploits God performed through a young prophet and the instructions this young prophet received from God on his way to Bethel. But along the line, ignorantly he yielded the voice of man against the predefined instruction of God. This led to his failure. He could well have grown into a renowned prophet and a mighty weapon in the hand of God.

Many have missed out on a lot of breakthroughs, victories and blessing all because of disobedience. And whatever blessing you have missed through disobedience cannot be regained through sacrifice; this is why the Bible says “Obedience is better than sacrifice” – 1 Samuel 15:22.

Take a close look at where the fall of King Saul started, 1 Samuel 15:2-14. After receiving stern warnings from God as regards his assignment over the Amalekites; he went there only to please himself. He was Israel’s first king but with no tangible achievement and milestone. From that moment on, he kept on retrogressing and he never found favour with God anymore.

Disobedience almost destroyed the widow of Zarephath. It utterly destroyed Achan and his household. Lot’s wife was blotted out of remembrance just because of disobedience.

Examine yourself and make amends.


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