Friday 25 December 2015



Text: My son, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways. Proverbs 23:26

In this season of the remembrance of God’s biggest step of love towards mankind – giving out His only begotten son that mankind may be reconciled to Him. Whether you’ll believe this or not, I want you to know that if you were the only sinner as at that time, Christ would still have been given for your redemption.

And a gift is expected in return for this gesture. Not monetary gifts because God has much more in His store house. Not your wealth; not even your possessions. God is all sufficient. He only needs your heart. He needs a place in there.

Our reading portion declared this openly: My son, give your heart to me…” Remember that all things evolve around Him. Don’t get bothered by those pulling forces around you. Cast all your burdens upon Him; He cares! Just take that big step by accepting God’s gift of salvation. He loves you! The best gift to give him this season is your heart.

May God help your determination.


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