Saturday 5 December 2015



Text: Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Jeremiah 8:22

In the days of Moses and the children of Israel, there was a particular ointment used to subdue pains. It gives comfort to the sick; this ointment was referred to as Balm of Gilead. It was so called because of its location and where it was gotten.

But in this age and dispensation, we no longer have to go to Gilead to get this ointment. The Balm of Gilead is now within reach. It is accessible to every man; the Blood of Jesus is the Balm of Gilead. Its efficacy remains the same. No sickness can withstand its power. It’s just a pity that believers have neglected this Balm of Gilead. Many believers have forgotten that without the Blood of Christ (Balm of Gilead), man can never be reconciled to God.

Whatever it is; no matter how severe the disease or sickness may be, the Balm of Gilead will not disappoint you.

Sin brought about separation between God and man; sin ushered in sickness, and death. But this Balm is made available to bridge the gap and restore peace and comfort to sin-sick souls. Even the sin sick soul can be liberated by reason of this Balm!

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