Thursday 21 January 2016



TEXT: Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1:15

One health disorder the world is facing and battling with right now is CANCER. Cancer is not a respecter of any man. It has nothing to do with a person's status.

Cancer is an health issue that starts as something negligible, but it grows and gains more grounds with time. After some time, cancer picks on several organs in the body and destroys these organs bit by bit, thereby causing irrecoverable damages to the body.

Spiritual Cancer is much like the  one everyone is conversant with. This spiritual cancer like the physical/medical cancer attacks the body and destroys the defence of the body. The spiritual cancer removes the covering of grace upon a believer. This spiritual cancer is LUST!

Just like the medical cancer has killed and truncated the lives of many renowned people in the world - people of note; so also has the spiritual cancer destroyed many potential champions, causing them to die either spiritually or physically.

The devil has many minions at his command. The most effective of them is lust. It leads its victims to bigger predicaments knowing fully well that a person falls into temptation when he is drawn of his own lust; knowing clearly that lustful desires give birth to sin, and sin automatically ushers in death.

Lust has successfully produced young ones, namely; lust of the eyes and lust of the flesh; it also adopted another named Pride of Life. Now the children of lust are everywhere seeking whom to destroy and causing many to deviate from the faith. They have placed an embargo on many destinies.

Lust of the eyes has so eaten up so many people that there is no longer a place for contentment, people have now forgotten that "godliness with contentment is great gain" - 1 Timothy 6:6. People have abandoned their main purposes on earth due to the influence of lust of the eyes. This is why adultery is still being heard of among married Christians.

Lust of the flesh is more prevalent among young people of this age. Young people now find it uneasy to deny their bodies of worldly pleasures. The mind of the natural men becomes more polluted daily through various organs of the body. Many young people have their temples defiled with cigarettes' smokes and smells, instead of burning incense of holiness; some are defiled with alcoholics and immoral sins which entails sexual sins. Many young people do not know that the atmosphere of illicit sex is a negotiation table where destinies are being traded for short, temporal pleasure.

Pride of life is one of the reasons why rich and wealthy people will find it difficult to get to the kingdom of God, because it's one of the agents that comes with wealth. When a natural man becomes wealthy, the wealth turns out to become a snare for for him, and it's the same for every believer that will forsake their God like Jeshrun did. Pride of life is the reason why a vibrant man of God will think every anointing for can stand alone and raise a church thereby gradually deviating from divine purpose. Pride of life is the agent that causes misuse of power and grace.

Just as medical cancer can only be cured by divine intervention, so do you need the Great Physician to cure you of Spiritual Cancer.

Remember, God will only fight for the weak; the strong can always fend for themselves.

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