Friday 11 March 2016



Text: And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62
The worst fate that could befall any man is to go back to the world after having a taste of the saving grace. It is better not to have an experience at all than to have an experience and retrogress from it.
The act of going back or turning away from the path of the cross is known as backsliding. Backsliding is what we now see everywhere today. Backsliding is a pest affecting the quality of Christ's harvest. Backsliding is w strong weapon in the hands of the devil.
Backsliding doesn't come upon a believer suddenly. Backsliding creeps inn gradually. The operations of this act ranges from inability of a believer to pray as usual to negligence of little compromises, inability to meditate on God's word, unwillingness to fellowship with the brethren, anxiety and many more.
Many believers who once have their lamps aglow are beginning to run out of oil. Many ran out of oil due to anxiety and thoughts nth at made them conclude that God has turned His back on them. They struggle to hold on but their love for God cracked down like an egg.
Oh! How subtly the devil ministers to a believer who is weary of holding on. He makes them feel they have been forgotten by God. He makes them believe they could make ends meet without the intervention of God. That is why many believers give their job nature as an excuse to abscond from church fellowships. Please ask them about their eventual achievement
There are many dangers inherent in backsliding.
A backslider will lost that inner peace that accompanies salvation. They lost the peace that once made them believe that their cares and burdens are all rolled to Jesus. They lost the peace of mind that once made them less anxious about what the future holds.
Backsliders lost their sense of discernment. Because the devil now makes them feel they can do and achieve all things on their own, he clouds their conscience and discernment. That is why only a little of them is aware of the change in spiritual atmosphere around them.
The devil now gains a foothold in the heart of backsliders. He gives them ill suggestions at will and many concur.
May the Lord uphold and strengthen us.

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