Thursday 24 March 2016



Text: Luke 5:2-7

Our text points to a time when the disciples were yet to meet and know their Lord and Master. But Jesus as usual went about preaching the word of God. Peter and most of the other men were fishermen who have toiled all night with nothing to show for their effort. Jesus came close to the shore of the sea and saw two different boats. He didn't see the owners of the boats but the Bible says He opted to choose Peter's boat and that moment marked an end to futile efforts. I pray for you this moment that the Lord will choose your boat in Jesus' name.

While Jesus was making use of Peter's boat, Peter didn't complain and he didn't act based on the frustration from his futile efforts. He waited on Christ till He was through with the boat.

If the Lord chooses anything that pertains to you and He says He wishes to use it, will you yield? Won't you complain? Won't you transfer life aggression to Him?

Yield to Him. Let Him use your boat; I can assure you that its a blessing waiting to be unpacked. Just like it was in the case of Peter, Jesus chose his boat and blessed him beyond expectations.

Just tell the Lord: "Lord, my boat is available, let it please You to choose my boat".

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