Thursday, 5 May 2016


Text: The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus. Romans 6:23

The world is going through a tough time where many countries are victims of fallen economy. Many countries of the world are going through economic crisis of several magnitudes. In some countries in West Africa, it's so serious that firms are beginning to retrench some staffs because they couldn't continue paying their wages.

But there's one activity whose wage remains the unchanged. This activity is SIN. Inflation or deflation will never affect/influence the wages of sin. Door every soul that commits sin, there is a certain wage.

"The soul that sinneth, it shall die..." Ezekiel 18:20

Nothing changes that! As long as any sinner refuses to change, repent or turn a new leaf, he will get paid in the currency of death. God is so merciful, He has given everyone a free gift of redemption and eternal life.. He knows everyman has a past and He's ever ready to do away with it as long as the sinner is ready to forsake the old way of life.

"And the times of ignorance, God winked at; but now commands all men everywhere to repent." Acts 17:30

Many believers that have had a taste of redemption still secretly commit sin nailing Christ to the cross a countless number of times. Some believers have had their consciences seared with hot iron by strange doctrines and strange gospels.

Brethren, let's retrace our steps! World economy do not influence kingdom standards.

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