Saturday 18 June 2016



Indeed, times and seasons have changed; but something will never change. God's standard and his demands from heaven-bound believers will never change.

2 Timothy 2:19
The foundation of God stands sure, having this seal; God knows them that are his and let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

In times as this; God is in need of award-winning believers that will not compromise their stand. God is in search of believers that will not shift grounds. God wants believers that will stand fast, immoveable unto His second coming.

In times as this, God wants preachers that will abandon motivational speaking. He wants preachers with great compassion for souls (lost souls). God needs preachers that will teach the undiluted truth, no matter how bitter. He needs preachers that would see to commissioning of other men unto God rather than commissioning new church buildings.

In times as this, God is in need of music ministers that will take their stand for him in an ever changing world of uncertainties. He wants music ministers that will not negotiate a truce with the world and all it has to offer. Music ministers that will make him proud, in and out.

In times as this, God needs faithful men and women whose faith will not waver even in the hardship and storm of life. Men and Women, in whom he can invest so much. Men and women that will run to him daily for refill.

Will he find you as such?

God bless you!

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