Friday 22 July 2016



Text: And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost John 20:22

Our text points out the source of the breathe of life. The breath of life is the force that brings a being to life. The Bible says in John 6:63 that it is the Spirit of God that quickens a man and gives life. 

It is very disheartening today that we see so many lifeless believers going about without knowing what is at stake; which is why we see huge congregation without the presence of the Giver of Life. Many ministers of the gospel have no knowledge of the fact that you don't breathe once and for all. You breath as long as you live. This only tells us that the Spirit of God must be our companion from time to time. Disconnection from His Person would only spell death and lifelessness. As much as we want to live for God, we need the breath of life. 

The breath of life brings about revival. Brethren, we are in the last days. The end is nearer. All signs have been fulfilled. The end time revival is heating up. The breath of life will trigger this end time revival. The breath of life will give courage to God's army, they will step out boldly. They have been kept unveiled until a time as this. 

Joel 2:28 says: And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:

God is building an army of power and grace to set the earth ablaze one last time and shake the earth to her foundations. 

Care to be one of them? 
Just say: 
Holy Spirit Divine
Please I am available;
Breathe on me! 

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