Text: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
Good or bad actions stem from the mind. A man's action is directly proportional to the quality of thoughts he entertains and breeds. If you leave your mind uncensored, then you're vulnerable. It's a sad fact that so many people still struggle with corrupt thoughts, even after years of giving their lives to Christ.
To overcome corrupt thought in our minds, we must burn down the bridge connecting us to the source of these raw materials that filter into our minds as thoughts. Our minds receive these raw materials through the sense organs.
A fellow addicted to pornography must have fed his eyes with sufficient amount of pornographic materials. Leaving his mind overwhelmed. Such people may find it difficult to take a stand against this until they burn down this bridge that connects them to pornographic materials.
So also a fellow who sits where profane discussions are held. His ears receive ideas from these discussions and transfer the to his mind. A man's mind is only found to be empty at birth. But as time goes on, different things begin to creep in.
The human mind won't stay idle for a long time. Even when a man is asleep, it translates some materials into dreams. The moment the mind senses that it's owner is idle, it goes back to the materials it received earlier from the sense organs. It revisits them. Regurgitates. Fantasizes about some of them. Thus leaving victims of pornography to masturbate. Leaving partakers of profane discussions to dream dirty.
Remember that your mind can't stay empty and idle. With those same sense organs, feed your mind with God's word. Fantasize about exploits with the aid of the Spirit. Think and drool over God's love. Pray when you feel lonely. Read God's word when you feel rejected.
We can only kick-start our season of exploits when our hearts and minds are synchronized to our Maker.
Job 11:13-14 teaches that when our hearts are set aright, then can we receive of God and also that unrighteousness be put far from us.
Humanly speaking, this is impossible. But make conscious efforts and trust God to come through for you.
Guard That Mind!
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