Monday 27 July 2015


Topic: Take Ye Away The Stone.       
Author: Pastor Adewale Adeniran
Text: John 11:1-44.             
Memory Verse: John 11:39

'Jesus said, Take ye away the stone. Martha, the sister of him that was dead saith unto him, Lord by this time he stinketh for he hath been dead four days'. The Almighty God is a God that can reverse every unpleasant situation. He is never late at providing solutions to every intimidating challenge, infact when man thinks that he has gotten to a cross-road in a particular situation, God is always available to reverse the impossible. In John 11:1-44, this particular passage of the scripture tells us about the story of Lazarus who was sick and his friend Jesus was informed of Lazarus sickness but along the line Lazarus died in the course of his sickness. After 4 days that Lazarus died Jesus came to the tomb of Lazarus where he was laid and then the sister of Lazarus, Martha said that, by now he must have been stinking in the grave, and then Jesus replied Martha that have I not told you that if only you will believe you will see the glory of God. After which, Jesus gave an instruction that ' Take ye away the stone', after the stone was removed Jesus lifted up his eye and he thanked his Father because he always answer his prayer and then after Jesus called Lazarus out of the grave. One great lesson that we must learn from this passage as a christian is that God will always triumph over every situation and also as you look at all the Jews who came to Sympathesize with mary and martha over the death of their brother, Lazarus, you will discover that the sisters of Lazarus alongside with the Jews has been carried away by the wind of this overwhelming tragedy but Jesus rather chose to focus his attention on what the Power of God can do in the midst of this situation. As Jesus came to the tomb of Lazarus, the sisters of Lazarus thought that it is too late for God to intervene, and also the sisters of Lazarus thought that all is already over and that satan has done his worst. But Jesus told Martha that, 'I am the ressurrection and the Life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live. Invariably, Jesus was telling Martha that i have the power to raise up the dead, as touching every reader of this message, what is that particular stone that satan as used to block your breakthrough, or promotion? Is it the stone of frustration, confusion or failure? My prayer is that the stone is removed now in the name of Jesus. Furthermore, I want to tell every reader of this message that we must learn to believe every instructions of God because that is the major pathway to live a victorious life.                                   

ACTION POINT: Rather than talking or modifying that intimidating storm in your life, why don't you focus your attention on what the Power of God can do in addressing that storm?.

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