Wednesday 23 November 2016



Text: And the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. Exodus 3:2 

Every child of God is expected to be burning for God. They are expected to have a flaming desire for things of God. Remember, they are men who have lost their self-will and have been recruited into God's army here on earth. So, they have no room for complacency.

Unfortunately, many fire brand believers have suddenly have their flames put out. They have become "ex-champions". Their flames have been put out by cares of this world. Many flames have been put out by trials of faith. Some even failed to stand the test of time. Believe it or not, these believers were only having their flames burning on the surface!

Many believers are burning only on the outside. Their flames could be put out easily. The smallest wind will blow out their flames and leave them with smoke. A huge smoke that signifies that they were once flaming. People on the outside see the smokes from afar and think they are still ablaze. But a closer look at their lives show that they are empty.

Our Bible portion refers us to the story of Moses' encounter with the burning  bush. The bush was burning deep on the inside but the outside was not consumed; that is FIRE IN THE BONES.

Real fire brand believers are believers whose flames are coming from within. Fire is capable of doing so many things in the life of a believer who surrenders himself.

What does fire in the bones do?

It purifies the believer. We all know that fire is a purifying agent that deals with impurities. In the same vein, fire of the Holy Ghost destroys impurities, chaffs and cobwebs in the life of a believer.

It prepares a believer for the Master's use (2 Timothy 2:21). After destroying impurities, the believer is then prepared unto every good work. The purer a man is, the closer God's presence become.

It produces fully seasoned believers. A believer with fire in his bones is not half baked. He won't shift grounds when trials come. He won't compromise. Even when he is being tried. They come out of every trial glowing and looking refreshed just like gold. Gold doesn't just shine naturally. Tough times and harsh conditions bring out the beauty of gold.

Do you think you have been burning on the surface?
Do you feel all you have left is just smoke?

If you answered YES to any of the questions, you need the help of God. Tell God you are tired of going about with smokes. Tell Him to set you on fire for Him. Let the fire burn from your inside out. He will come to your aid. He wants to help you become a force to be reckoned with.


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