Tuesday, 1 September 2015



Revelations 2:1-7

Our text points to the first church to whom Jesus' letter was sent. Our Lord Jesus really commended the church in Ephesus. They were commended for how much they work for God; for how much they laboured. For how much patience they cultivated. How they discerned between heretical teachers and teachers of the truth.

It was quite unfortunate that Jesus had something against them. The issue might sound minute; but its of high degree. Jesus saw that they have abandoned their zeal; their drive. They forsook their first love. They also grew weary in the things of the love of Christ.

This relates to what many believers have put up these last days. These believers started well. They served God as though their lives depended on it. They grew in the knowledge and love of Christ. These believers served God with plainness of heart.

But like the church in Ephesus; these believers suddenly grew cold. They suddenly went weary in the service of God. They lost that initial zeal. They forsook their first love. Many of them are now given to works and not grace anymore. They now serve God as men-pleasers; some don't even know this.

Before now, what drives these believers is simply the deep love of Christ; but now they go about their works of service without sincere enthusiasm. These believers for one reason or the other have lost something of their understanding of God's love for them.

The service of these believers is now being displayed in human efforts rather than the power of the Holy Spirit. They have forsaken the fact that "we are called to reveal Christ and not ourselves".

Many people are mere christians and not believers; how? They are now only being religious and not spiritual! They now live by doctrines and not by the leading of Christ and The Comforter.

My heart bleeds because many believers started out with grace but they are now trying to attain their goal by human effort.

There is a need for repentance...
The only solution now is repentance! They need to change their way of thing. They need to call a solem assembly and locate their first love again. They need to remember their protos agape.

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