Revelations 2:8-11
The church in Smyrna was located in a small town on the coast of Asia Minor. The letter of Christ to this church was more of commendations, precautions and warnings.
From the letter of Christ to them, it's obvious they really took their stand for Christ. They stood their grounds against all odds. Our Lord Jesus looked beyond their financial capacity; He saw how they tapped into His own well of spiritual wealth. He saw their spiritual riches and capacity. Revelations 2:9a "I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich)"
Like many believers and Christian groups today; the church in Smyrna was commended for how much they stood even in the face of temptation and persecution? Christ is aware that even in this perverse generation, there are still believers that are defending their faith. There are believers that would never give up on the love of Christ. There are still believers that work for God and are lost in His service for the right reasons.
To them, Christ have words for courage and admonishment. They are not at the end of the road just yet. There are still temptations, tribulations and persecution to withstand. We are also admonished even as believers that we should not be afraid of the things to come which simply call for the need to stay focused, Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
He also warned us of wolves in the clothing of sheep. How they claim to be children of God, even workers in His vineyard; when in the real sense, they have no knowledge of Him. They are referred to as the synagogue of Satan.
We believers of this end time need to take our stand, come what may!
A crown of life awaits us. May we not miss out in Jesus' name.
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Wednesday, 2 September 2015
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