Friday, 13 November 2015

The Price of Remaining in God's Presence.

Topic: The Price of Remaining in God's Presence.   

Text: Psalm 24:3-6.

Memory Verse: Genesis 17:1b, 'the Lord appeared to Abram and said unto him, I am the Almighty God, walk before me and be thou perfect'.

As you look at the contemporary world in which we live in, you will discover the alarming rate at which people cherish iniquity, lawlessness and gross injustice had become prevalent in our present dispensation, people now prefer to be blessed by God without obeying God absolutely.

A lot of believers want to enjoy the fullness of God's presence without being ready to pay the price attached to it. With my little walk with God, I have come to understand that the presence of God is a SECRET place, and it is only accessible by those set of believers who are willing to share in God's unique nature, which is Holiness.

The Almighty God dwells in holiness and God can do anything to ensure that His holy habitation is not profaned or defiled. As you read through the scripture, you will discover a few number of people who made up their mind to remain in God's presence while they were on earth e.g moses, King David, Daniel, Elijah, Elisha etc.

Looking at Psalm 24:3-6, In this passage of the scripture, king David revealed to believers in general about the price that we need to pay before we can enjoy the presence of God, also you will discover from this passage of the bible that king David laid much emphasis on living a holy life is a prerequisite for enjoying the fullness of God's presence.

In the same manner, apostle Paul said in Heb 12:14, that, ' Follow peace with all men and holiness without which, NO man shall see God'.

Holiness is the ticket that guarantee every believer unlimited access to God's presence.

Bro. Asunbo 'Sogo

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