Thursday, 10 December 2015


Psalm 29:3-9
Our spotlight this time is on one of those things that make us say "God is Awesome", His Voice. One thing that ditch the wisdom of men about God is His voice. Elijah booked an appointment with God. The time came for God to meet and speak with Elijah; looking at God's greatness, we would expect God's voice to always come thundering, but No! He defied the wisdom of men. He sent a strong wind that rend the mountains; but His voice wasn't heard in the strong wind. He also caused an earthquake, but his voice wasn't there as well. Fire was sent, but still, Gods voice wasn't heard. In the calmness that followed all these events, the Bible says the voice of the Lord came in a still small voice. Despite being a still small voice, Elijah still couldn't withstand the awe.

The voice of the Lord can wrought great wonders. The voice of the Lord thunders. His voice is powerful; his voice can put an end to your predicaments. At the sound of God's voice, all things came into being.

One amazing thing about God's voice is the after effect that follows the sound of the voice. Even after the voice had spoken, mysteries still unravel.
Psalm 62:11 says:
"God has spoken once, twice have I heard this; that power belongs into God."

Our God is awesome: his presence is fearsome, desire to hear His voice and see yourself leaving the realm of the ordinary for the extra-ordinary.

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