Wednesday 13 January 2016



Text: And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.Matthew 10:7

Times are beginning to revolve around us. Many years ago, before the the first coming of Christ, a messenger was sent, he was the fore runner of Christ. John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way of the Lord with the message of repentance, Matthew 3:2-3. He never deviated from this commission.
Now, in our own generation, we are awaiting the second coming of Christ. Many ministers have been sent to also prepare the way of the Lord like John the Baptist did. God commissioned some some of these ministers by himself while some others committed themselves to God from their own volition. One One mystery that is unraveling right now is that some of these ministers are beginning to deviate.
Many ministers now fail to remind the congregation that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Some ministers do, but this has never been the core of their messages. The church has been made to digress from God's purpose of it's institution.
It's a pity that many ministers of God now now preach "simplified Gospel" so as to keep their numerous congregation from leaving their churches. Many now portray grace as an insurance policy that allows you to sin for as long as you desire neglecting Romans 6:1.
Some pastors and ministers now feed the body of Christ with junks thereby making the body of church suffer malnutrition and spiritual rickety. They have succeeded in kicking Christ out of the center of their churches. Little wonder, the move of God is no longer evident.
For the few ministers that still maintain their stands and hold the fort, may the Lord establish and keep you till the end.
God wants the church to be reordered back to Him.
Beware!!! He is at the door.

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