Friday 21 April 2017



Text: But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8

Beloved, we have celebrated the gift of salvation which is free unto all men. Jesus Christ's death and resurrection has been brought back to the memory of slumbering believers. Much has been said about the significance of Christ's death and the Cross on which he hung. it is worthy of note that the Old Rugged Cross is right at the center of our focus.

A slight look away from Christ's resurrection to his parting words to the disciples and the men of Galilee. Our text reiterates that an era was to come after Christ must have been taken up - The Era of The Holy Spirit and Power. The era in which power will be unleashed and released even to the least believer of Christ.

For as many as accepted the gift of salvation and are partakers of Christ's death and resurrection, there's more lying ahead than behind. Before you receive power as promised in Acts 1:8, you must make room for the person of the Holy Spirit. Then power comes. Wallow deep and get lost in communion with the Holy Spirit. Let him have a firm grip of your life and being. 

With this mantle of power, go forth and teach men. With your words, action and lifestyle.


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